Friday, June 29, 2012

Maven: How to clean your local repository

How many times we delete all ~/.m2/repository and re-download every artifact running mvn package for each project we have in the system? I've done a little script to check every artifact in local maven repository that removes every artifact with wrong MD5 or SHA or without any of them. Run this script in your shell typing './' command. Note: I'm not responsible of any problem deriving from the execution of this script.

TXT_BOLD=`tput bold`
TXT_UNDERLINE_ON=`tput smul`
TXT_BLACK=`tput setaf 0`
TXT_RED=`tput setaf 1`
TXT_GREEN=`tput setaf 2`
TXT_YELLOW=`tput setaf 3`
TXT_BLUE=`tput setaf 4`
TXT_MAGENTA=`tput setaf 5`
TXT_CYAN=`tput setaf 6`
TXT_WHITE=`tput setaf 7`
BGD_BLACK=`tput setab 0`
BGD_RED=`tput setab 1`
BGD_GREEN=`tput setab 2`
BGD_YELLOW=`tput setab 3`
BGD_BLUE=`tput setab 4`
BGD_MAGENTA=`tput setab 5`
BGD_CYAN=`tput setab 6`
BGD_WHITE=`tput setab 7`
RST_FORMATTING=`tput sgr0`

 find "~/.m2/repository" -name '*.pom' -o -name '*.jar' | while read i; do 
  if [ -r "$i.sha1" ]; then
   CHK1=`shasum "$i" | awk '{print $1}'`;
   CHK2=`cat "$i.sha1" | awk '{print $1}'`;
   if [ "$CHK1" = "$CHK2" ]; then
    echo -n "$TXT_GREEN"
    echo "OK SHA1 $i  $CHK1=$CHK2";
    echo -n "$TXT_RED"
    echo "KO SHA1 $i  $CHK1=$CHK2"
    echo -n "$RST_FORMATTING"
    echo -n "$TXT_BOLD"
    rm -fv "$i*"
  elif [ -r "$i.md5" ]; then
   CHK1=`md5 "$i" | awk '{print $1}'`;
   CHK2=`cat "$i.md5" | awk '{print $1}'`;
   if [ "$CHK1" = "$CHK2" ]; then
    echo -n "$TXT_GREEN"
    echo "OK MD5 $i $CHK1=$CHK2";
    echo -n "$TXT_RED"
    echo "KO MD5 $i  $CHK1=$CHK2"
    echo -n "$RST_FORMATTING"
    echo -n "$TXT_BOLD"
    rm -fv "$i*"
   echo -n "$TXT_YELLOW"
   echo "??????? $i";
   echo -n "$RST_FORMATTING"
   echo -n "$TXT_BOLD"
   rm -fv "$i*"

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Why CoDeGeneration?

I was born at the end of 20th century and all the people born in that period are part of the code generation.
Year after year new developers were born and a lot of these create random like code without experience or for time reasons. So everyone, me included, becomes part of a co-degeneration.
This blog was born for two reasons: the first is to help developers to do things better and the latter to improve my knowledge through your comments.